A balanced diet is important to keep us healthy and productive. Here you will find 13 healthy eating tips for a better you.
Healthy Eating Tips for a Healthier Living
A healthy diet is a varied, balanced, and fresh mixed diet that should consist primarily of plant-based foods. Here are 13 tips for a healthy diet and learn why it is important.
1. Allow variety in your food choices. The bigger and more colorful the selection, the better. Here it helps to use the traffic light principle for fruit and vegetables: for example green lettuce, bananas, and tomatoes.
2. Recommended: 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables. A serving is always a handful. When it comes to vegetables, it is best to consider a raw component, such as lettuce. If you like, you can use more vegetables than fruit, because vegetables do not affect the blood sugar level. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that the body needs.
3. Choose mainly whole-grain cereal products because they contain a lot of fiber. A high fiber intake lowers the risk of various diet-related diseases and is important for well-functioning digestion.
4. Meat and dairy products. You can consume milk and milk products every day. Choose the low-fat option to save calories. These supply the body with protein and calcium. You can plan for fish once or twice a week. This provides the body with essential fatty acids. Meat, sausage products, and eggs should be consumed in moderation. White meat is better than red meat.
5. Choose good fat over bad fat. Linseed oil, rapeseed oil, nuts, seeds, and sea fish provide omega-3 fatty acids, so-called unsaturated fatty acids, which are particularly important for the body. Omega-6 fatty acids are also unsaturated fatty acids and come e.g. B. in sunflower oil. However, these fatty acids can have an inflammatory effect and should therefore only be consumed sparingly. Also, reduce saturated fats from animal products such as butter and hydrogenated fats, for example from ready-made baked goods or margarine. Fat enables the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, such as E, D, K, and A.
6. Drink at least 1.5 liters a day. In warm weather, it is better to use 2 to 3 liters. Prefer water and unsweetened teas. It is okay to consume juice spritzers from time to time. Avoid soft drinks and light drinks because they contain a lot of sugar.
7. Eat natural products as much as possible. Ready-made dishes often contain a large number of unnecessary ingredients. Principle: the list of ingredients should be as short as possible and most of the ingredients should be known.
8. Less sugar and salt. Use sugar or foods with sugar as rarely as possible, as these increase blood sugar levels, which the body keeps in check with insulin. If insulin is active in the body, less fat can be broken down at the same time and the weight can increase in the long term. Use fresh herbs instead of salt for seasoning. In general, too much salt is used in Germany, which in particular can have a negative effect on blood pressure.
9. Understand your body signals. Behind the desire for something between the teeth is usually a thirst signal from the body. If it’s not thirst but hunger for sweetness, then it often goes away on its own if you wait a moment. You also save calories in this way. Eat regularly because cravings don’t stand a chance. Otherwise, the body tends to quickly absorb large and often high-calorie amounts so that the brain is quickly supplied with new energy.
10. Seasonality and regionality. Does your food come from the region and is it currently in season? A decision in favor of regional and seasonal products shortens the transport routes and thus protects the climate. Often a long transport route also influences the vitamin content in the food.
11. Gentle preparation. Prepare your food at the lowest possible temperature to preserve the nutrients. When doing this, use very little fat to save calories.
12. Take your time while eating! Enjoy consciously and chew longer: This means that all food is chopped up well and the intestine has less work to do. Because many intestinal problems can arise from inadequate chewing.
13. Eat without distraction. Avoid the TV and smartphone while eating and enjoy the meal without distraction. Otherwise, the body will not even notice what it is actually eating and the amounts consumed will automatically increase. Eat together with family or friends and enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner together.